Caroline's Portrait is a Hit!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
By Anna
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We got the nicest note from Lisa saying how pleased she was with her daughter Caroline's new portrait.

"We cannot be more thrilled with Caroline's portrait. It is absolutely breath-taking and looks particularly beautiful in our foyer. The family loved it and stared at it to such an extent that Caroline actually had to distract them with a comment, "The real me is over here and I talk!" We all had quite a laugh over that. Where it is positioned, I can see it from the family room, as I come down the stairway from the 2nd floor and as I come around the corner from my bedroom. It makes me smile every time and will continue to do so for many, many years to come. Thanks so much and Happy New Year!"

Lisa and Caroline came to us through the Charlotte Heart Ball last February. I really enjoyed creating this portrait with them to commemorate Caroline's graduation from Duke University.

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